What Is Meant By Project Based Learning?
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Project Based Learning |
Referring to some of the
above definition, it is understood that the Project Based Learning is a
learning strategy that uses the project / activity as a means of learning to
achieve competency attitudes, knowledge and skills. The emphasis lies on the
learning activities of learners to solve the problem by applying the skills of
researching, analyzing, creating, learning to present their products based on
real experience. This strategy allows pesera students to work independently and
in groups in mengkostruksikan authentic products sourced from the real problems
in everyday life .
Therefore, Project Based
Learning is a learning strategy that uses problems as a first step in
integrating new knowledge based on real experience. Project Based Learning is
being systematically involving learners in the learning attitudes, knowledge
and skills through investigation in the design of the product. Project Based
Learning is an innovative learning strategy, which emphasizes contextual
learning through activities complex. Implementation of project-based learning
gives students the opportunity to think critically and develop their creativity
through the development of initiatives to produce tangible products such as
goods or services.
In Project Based Learning,
learners are actively engaged in solving problems assigned by the teacher in
the form of a project. Learners actively manage their learning with real-life work
that produces real products. Project Based Learning can reduce competition in
the classroom and directing learners more collaborative than working alone. In
addition, Project Based Learning can also be done through working independently
construct their learning through knowledge and new skills, and make it happen
in real products.
2. Principle is the
principle of Project Based Learning
As already diurakan above
that means learning to achieve competence in the use of Project Based Learning
project tasks as a learning strategy. The students work in the real, to solve
problems in the real world that can produce a solution in the form of a product
or the work of a real or realistic. The underlying principle is a project-based
a) Learner-centered learning
which involves tasks in real life to enrich learning.
b) The task of the project
emphasizes on research activities based on a theme or topic which has been
determined in the study.
c) Investigations or
experiments done authentically and produce real products that have been
analyzed and developed based on themes / topics are arranged in the form of
products (reports or works). Products, statements or results which are then
communicated to the work of comments and feedback for improvement next project.
3 Benefits of Project Based
Project-based learning is an
instructional strategy that focuses on learners in problem-solving activities
and other meaningful tasks. Implementation of Project Based Learning can
provide opportunities for students to work on a given task construct teacher
whose top can produce works of learners. Benefits of Project Based Learning are
as follows:
a) Acquire new knowledge and
skills in learning
b) Improve the ability of
learners in problem solving.
c) Creating a more active
learners in solving complex problems with real products results in the form of
goods or services.
d) Develop and enhance the
skills of students in managing resources / materials / tools to accomplish the
e) Enhance collaboration of
learners especially on Project Based Learning which is a group.
Effective project-based learning, according to Klein, et al (2009) should have the following characteristics:
• Leads students to
investigate important ideas and questions
• Is framed around an
inquiry process
• Is differentiated
According to student needs and interests
• Is driven by the
production and presentation of independent student rather than teacher delivery
of information
• Requires the use of
creative thinking, critical thinking, and information skills to investigate,
• conclusions about, and
create content
• Connects to the real world
and authentic problems and issues
4. Step-by-step Project-Based
In Project Based Learning,
learners are given tu¬gas to develop a theme / topic in the learning by doing
project activities realistic. In addition, the implementation of project-based
learning is to encourage the growth of creativity, independence,
responsibility, self-confidence, as well as critical thinking and analytical
Step Project Based Learning
is as follows:
a) determination of project
In this step, the students
determine the theme / topic of projects based on project assignments given by
the teacher. Learners are given the opportunity to select / define which
projects the group will be doing either independently or with a note not to deviate
from the task set by the teacher.
b) The design steps of
project completion
Learners design measures
activity completion of the project from start to finish along with its
management. This project contains the design activity rules in the implementation
of the project tasks, the selection of activities that can support the tasks of
the project, the integration of a variety of possible completion of project
tasks, resource planning / materials / tools that can support the completion of
project tasks, and cooperation among group members.
c) Preparation of project
implementation schedule
Students under the guidance
of teachers to schedule all the activities that have been designed. How long
the project should be completed step by step.
d. Completion of the project
with the facilitation and monitoring of teacher
This step is a step in the
implementation of the project design has been made. Activities that can be
done in the project activity of which is to a) read, b) researching, c)
observation, d) interviews, e) recording, f) works of art, g) visited the
project object, or h) internet access. The teacher is responsible for
monitoring the activities of learners in the process of doing the task of
project start up to completion of the project. In the monitoring activity, the
teacher made rubric that will be able to record the activity of learners in
completing project tasks.
e. Preparation of reports
and presentation / publication of results of the project
The results of the project
in the form of a product, whether it be paper products, works of art, or
technology work / craft presented and / or published to other learners and
teachers or community in the form of exhibits learning products.
f. Evaluation process and
results of the project
Teachers and learners at the
end of the learning process to reflect on the activities and results of the
project tasks. The process of reflection on project assignments can be done
individually or in groups. In the evaluation phase, the learners the
opportunity to express his experience of completing project tasks developed
during the discussion to improve the performance of project tasks completed. At
this stage also conducted feedback on the process and products have been
Reading Material
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